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Erasmus+ INFURI Project Research Paper Published

Wittenborg’s Erasmus+ 30-month project, INFURI, is in its 9th month of project implementation and has so far completed the work on its first intellectual output, which includes the delivery of Living Labs sessions in 6 partner countries with furniture companies and furniture end users, and one intellectual contribution in the form of a peer-reviewed journal article. Project INFURI, which is an acronym for “Innovation in the Furniture Industry in the Era of Circularity”, is an EU-funded project, with Wittenborg as the coordinating partner.

Circular Procurement Guidelines for Office Furniture

INFURI project invites you to an interactive webinar to collect your opinion on how guidelines for circular furniture procurement should be structured and what information you are expecting to receive.

We are not rich enough to buy cheap

Sustainabiliy is getting more and more recognized in the world. Companies have been switching from linear operating system to circular way of doing business. As part of Intelectual Output 3 at the Erasmus+ project INFURI; INnovation in the FURniture Industry in the era of circular economy we have been researching what approaches to take and what are the first steps in switching the operating system from linear to circular. Fort his purpose we have been interwieving companies in all partner countries.

INFURI Project Results Celebrated With Multiplier Events in Partner Countries

The international project consortium of the Erasmus+ funded project INFURI (INnovation in the FURniture Industry in the Era of circular economy) have successfully developed and launched two of their official INFURI project results recently.

INFURI Hosts Final Conference and Transnational Project Meeting in Milan

Wittenborg is project coordinator of the Erasmus+ funded project INFURI project which focuses on circular innovation in the furniture industry. On 11 May, Wittenborg, together with eight other project partners from nine different countries across Europe, organised the INFURI Project Final Conference “From ambition to action: tangible tools for the circular economy in the wood-furniture industry’’, which took place in Milan, Italy and which was hosted by Italian project partner Materially.

Wittenborg Launches First Living Labs Session for its Erasmus INFURI Project

Wittenborg’s 2nd Erasmus+ Project “INnovation in the FURniture Industry in the Era of Circular Economy (INFURI)” is in full swing. As part of the project activities, Wittenborg will be hosting two upcoming Living Labs sessions with external stakeholders in the coming weeks.

Erasmus+ INFURI Project in Full Swing

Wittenborg’s Erasmus+ Project, INFURI, is picking up speed with the completion of its second Living Labs session last Wednesday, 23rd June. The event was a physical session held in Apeldoorn, in the office of one of the project’s participating companies, Brummel,  a business to business, custom-made furniture designer and manufacturer.

Erasmus+ INFURI Project Third Transnational Partner Meeting

On 5 October, Wittenborg CEO Maggie Feng and EU Project Manager Aydan Ismayilova, both representing Wittenborg Research Centre, travelled to Athens, Greece, as part of the European Commission Erasmus+ funded project titled “INnovation in the FURniture Industry in the Era of Circular Economy” (INFURI).

Wittenborg Attends INFURI Project Peer-Learning Event and Partner Meeting in Slovenia

From 20 to 23 March, Wittenborg faculty members Fahad Shakeel and Fjorentina Muco travelled to Ljubljana, Slovenia, to participate in the INFURI project Learning, Teaching and Training Activity (LTTA). Wittenborg is the project coordinator of the Erasmus+ funded project INFURI, which focuses on circular innovation in the furniture industry, together with eight other project partners from nine different countries across Europe.


Tuesday April 5, from 14:30 till 18:00 CET in Apeldoorn

Wittenborg Hosts Erasmus+ Event about Circularity in Furniture Industry

Between 5 and 6 April, Wittenborg hosted an event aimed at showcasing the results of the Erasmus+ international project “Innovation in the Furniture Industry in the Era of Circular Economy” (INFURI). In line with the research initiative, the event focused on promoting circularity practices to small and medium-sized furniture companies and was attended by local enterprises, researchers, students from different schools and representatives of vocational, educational and training organisations.

Erasmus+ INFURI Project Research Paper Published

Wittenborg’s Erasmus+ 30-month project, INFURI, is in its 9th month of project implementation and has so far completed the work on its first intellectual output, which includes the delivery of Living Labs sessions in 6 partner countries with furniture companies and furniture end users, and one intellectual contribution in the form of a peer-reviewed journal article. Project INFURI, which is an acronym for “Innovation in the Furniture Industry in the Era of Circularity”, is an EU-funded project, with Wittenborg as the coordinating partner.

Wittenborg Launches its 2nd Erasmus+ Project "Innovation in the FURniture Industry in the Era of Circular Economy"

Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences launched yet another European Commission approved Erasmus+ Project known as “INnovation in the FURniture Industry in the Era of Circular Economy”.